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Editorial and Webdesign

For my diploma thesis I took a close look at visual storytelling in Webdesign.

It shows, besides the main theme of visual storytelling, the relationship between visual storytelling, usability and user experience and illustrates how visual storytelling influences customers' emotional and therefore prospective opportunities for designers and companies. Besides the design for the theoretical part of my thesis, I also had to design my practical part. Therefore I made two concepts for two different websites, which are based on different personas. Both websites deal with the topic of the history of cinema and the extinction of small, local cinemas. The first website is based on photography and the timeline between past and present. The second one attempt to work only with illustration and an interactive user experience.
I used Adobe InDesign for prototyping, Adobe Photoshop for editing, Adobe Illustrator for the illustrations and icons and Adobe Muse for the development of the website prototypes.

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