The Last Invention
Animation Short
„The Last Invention“ is my final bachelor project of the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg. The idea and production was realized with four other students. It deals with the destruction of humanities future. It is a fully computer-generated animation short, which was produced from July 2020 until May 2021. In the short the main protagonist wanted to create an invention – seen as the reactor in the film – that would be a solution for an environmental-friendly, cheap and inexhaustible energy source by manipulating the time and gaining energy from the future. Even though he already knows that there could be destructive consequences of his invention – seen in the foreshadowing scenes in the short – he still activates his machine and obliterates the whole humanity. The main theme of this short are the destructive consequences of inventions, which should be a metaphor for the current extensive destruction of our planet – and our future – caused by constant striving for creation and producing new things. Success and the own advantages of newly created inventions are far more important for business nowadays than the survival of our planet and the future of humanity.

In this project my main tasks were project management, 2D art and 3D art aspects as well as all graphic design related components. For the 2D art I created panels for the storyboard together with a colleague. Furthermore I was responsible for the Visual Development of the main protagonist – Mr. X – as well as other side characters like the scientists and guards and the design of the power plant. Sadly the scenes with the power plant from the outside didn’t make it in the final animation. Since we didn’t had a lot of time to finish this project, we used Mixamo Characters as a base for the side characters. I modified the design of these and re-modeled and re-textured them. I also modeled different other props and created the outfit of Mr. X in Marvelous Designer.
For my part of this project I used Blender, Mixamo, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter, Cinema4D and Procreate.
Visual Development Mr. X